Friday, January 9, 2009

What is Hope in Love

Today I read a blog by my friend Emily regarding the long road home. This is a narrative about our journey as men and women of God and the road we choose to walk through life, yes it's long, but ultimately it leads us to our eternal home in Christ Jesus. So hope in love am i suggesting that one hopes to love or am i alluding to our hopes in a present love. I won't be specific right now and instead allow this thread to unravel itself. Hope is the breath that gives life to our dreams, it is the catalyst if you will that allows us to pursue the depths of our most passionate desires. When one learns that hoping in love is really an ambigious almost intangible thought or desire. Love is the motivating factor and what i'm saying is that in Love I hope to achieve the things i could never do in my own strength. I rely on the Love of God to allow me to hope that our world would see the error of it's ways and repent and turn back to God and allow him to govern our world filtering everything from politics to talk show radio programs through his soveriegn spirit. You see when you understand that love is the one ingredient that is un-natural for us to abide by in these various arenas of life then you can understand why I hope in the midst of that love for someone to "Get the Message" the message being love purely and fully, no Jerry Springer hate shows, the news is telling us about the good being done in the world instead of feeding our flesh the insatiable appetite for the hideous and the hurt the catastrophic things that are the result of evil rampaging and invading the privacy of our homes and schools and workplaces. What can we expect from a society that is predicated on the horror of our nightly news and then an hour later the same subject that horrified us is being mocked on the tonight show by Jay Leno and minimized to a sick humour that really shows us how deranged we really are. I weep for the guys like Leno who must take the trash he is given every night and digest it and then spit it back out with some sick tag line that is so ill that you feel part of your soul being eaten by it as you listen and feel odd for not finding humor in the punchline. Jay is a really nice man, if yu see him away from the set he is usually in one of his many cars or doing something car related because for him this is his love and although he takes great pride in his collection at the end of the day he has to go back to america and lower his posture to the place the writers have determined america's appetite for humor resides. Surely this juxtiposition of ideals must torture his soul as he compromises his basic value night after night for what? A paycheck? no he doesn't need the money so what is his motivation? I submit to you that for Mr. Leno it is Mr. Pride that motivates him to make these horrendous compromises. He is after all holding down the fort that Johnny built and to further sweeten the pot his direct competition is Mr. Letterman, who is really starting to show his age. Yet Jay goes on and when he goes into his garage there are the same cars that were there yesterday and his life is really empty because he has no hope in love. Were he to hope in love he would tell that audience that today he gave his collection to the museum of cars or whatever and that he has found a living God in Jesus Christ and has had a life changing experience. As soon as the first joke came out he would see the sickness he has been propagating for the last 10 years in all it's horrific color and he would at last have to hope in love and do his part to turn this machine around. Of course Letterman would have a heyday with his persecution of Mr. Leno and for all intensive purposes the network would fire him, but guess what. The holy spirit would be alive in his heart and he would have the capacity to hope in love and because he is Jay Leno he would be a loud voice in the world and cause many others to question thier own loveless lives. Yes I hope in Love because i know that Jesus Hoped in Love and because he hopes I to must hope, hope that one person reading this would re-evaluate his/her outlook on life and see that only Love can enrich your life, only when one truly loves can they give it all away for the greater good of mankind and save the most precious possession that they really don't have......the soul. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that who so ever believed in him would not perish, but gain everlasting life. That is hope in Love

Thank You,